Herniated or Bulging Disc? Numbness or pain? We can help!
Now offering Non Surgical Spinal Decompression
in both Topsham and Auburn, Maine.
Maine’s Spinal Decompression Center – Topsham, Maine
Researchers discovered that more than 75% of decompression patients experienced significant and continued improvement years after their treatment.
We’ve met many people who are suffering from back pain, hip pain or leg pain for years. If you’re like them, you’ve tried everything to ease your pain and still can’t find relief. Research continues to show that most methods and procedures used to relieve chronic back pain aren’t very effective at all — especially in the long run.
There’s good news! Spinal Decompression is proven to be effective in not just relieving back pain, but also in healing your spinal injuries.
As one of the very few clinics in the Topsham and Auburn areas offering spinal decompression, we’re here to help. We offer decompression therapy at 50-75% less costs to you than other local chiropractic offices. How? We keep our overhead at a minimum and do not accept insurance, allowing us to charge significantly less for the same and in some cases better decompression care.
If you have back pain and you can’t find relief, we recommend giving spinal decompression a try. Many of our patients feel a remarkable difference in just a few visits!

The DOC System
The DOC system is an FDA-approved therapy that is facilitated by a computer monitoring device and the positioning of your body on a table. Decompression works through a subtle, computerized movement of the table. This helps target the specific region of your problem area.
Dr. Jeff Clark is then able to safely, gently and precisely decompress the spine, creating a negative pressure inside the disc and vacuuming the bulging material back into the disc’s shell. By localizing your treatment, we hope to help relieve your pain so you can heal.

Experience the Results for Yourself
Unlike many of the other treatments for back pain, this technology allows discs to heal and resolve back pain within weeks. In a recent survey of decompression patients years after their treatment, researchers discovered that more than 75% of them experienced significant and continued improvement.
Are you ready to experience pain relief and heal for good? We can help.
Contact us today for spinal decompression right here in Topsham and Auburn, Maine.